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Frontiers in Genomics: Oana Carja
A theory of evolutionary dynamics on any complex population structure


Resumen de la plática At a big picture level, my group at CMU is focused on studying the adaptive properties of spatial structure, across different biological systems. Spatially-resolved datasets are revolutionizing knowledge across many areas in biology, yet are under-utilized for questions in evolutionary biology. When it comes to understanding the role that population structure […]

Frontiers in Genomics: Julio Collado-Vides
The vertex between artificial intelligence, natural language and genetics

Auditorio "Dr. Guillermo Soberón" del CCG Centro de Ciencias Genómicas UNAM Morelos, Cuernavaca

Summary: Since Eric Davidson's work on the organization of regulatory elements in enhancers, syntactic properties of the arrangements - order, distances, orientation - of regulatory sites have been evaluated. There are thus various “enhancer grammars”. In that context I show the difference with the grammatical model of microbial transcriptional regulation. On the other hand, the […]

[CANCELADO] Frontiers in Genomics: Jean C. Zenklusen

Auditorio "Dr. Guillermo Soberón" del CCG Centro de Ciencias Genómicas UNAM Morelos, Cuernavaca

Jean C. Zenklusen. Center for Cancer Genomics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, US https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-gdc/gdc-team/jean-claude-zenklusen-phd Frontiers in Genomics